We were able to get together with our Crist family two times in one week! How fun is that?
First for Mother's Day, thanks to all the mom's in my life whom I adore. We then celebrated with a great dinner...Yum Yum, the food is always good at Rog's Aunt Serena and Uncle Jeff's house. Maybe it's cause I don't have to cook it all! Lol Second cause it was Grandpa Duke's Birthday. Aiden and Lindseys Great Grandpa.
All of us playin a sweet game of volleyball. Ah yeah...we are pro!
This is the famous Great grandpa Duke! Happy Birthday, we love you and hope you have sooo many more.
The Chef of the get togethers. Uncle Jeff, you sure can BBQ a mean hamburger!
The boys playin a round of basketball while waiting for dinner to be ready. Must have been a sweet shot by the looks of the picture! lol
Auntie Brinley stuck entertaining Lindsey! She loves to swing, when Lindsey wants to swing she points and says "weeeee" until she gets what she wants. Thanks Auntie for being her friend!
Aiden and Lindsey's first time on a trampoline. Pretty much hilarious. Aiden would only jump when no one else was on it and got nervous and wanted to sit down whenever somone got on. Lindsey wanted to jump so bad but was so scared. Maybe we need to get them out more! lol
All in all we have such a great time each and every time we get to hangout with our Crist family. Thanks guys, WE LOVE YOU!
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