Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Aiden is now a Taekwondo master!
Here is Aiden at his first class. He got the fancy new uniform that he gets to keep. The teacher started out with the to follow directions, bow before entering the mat, and saying "yes ma'm" to everything she says or asks!
This is them slapping their arms to their sides and then going to bow as they say "yes ma'm"!
Sooo cute!
This part made me teary eyed and almost cry. Here Aiden is getting his belt officially tied on by his teacher. I just felt so proud...he looked so big to me. I can't believe my baby is 3 yrs old!
They had to stand on these yellow pieces of tape to await directions. Aiden was a little confused at times about what he was suppose to do...but caught on eventually. He was the youngest of them all by atleast 6mo! So his favorite part of the whole class was when he learned to kick and punch! Figures! lol
We had fun and again thank grandma Crist for signing us up for the class.

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